adam tawrich. dark eidolon of lust. mother of emptiness at this time, the first hour of night; omalhavien, ruled by sabrachon I stand before thee, in all my might by the power of the constellation of the order of the flesh I weave the delight of temptation into thy essence In doing so, I utterly eclipse my presence from existence hearken my aetyr, grand lord of all who thrives in lights absence myriads of eons has passed. time beyond reckoning his timeless essence has waited in the abode of oblivion now I, aeshma, summon thee, daevas from the bottomless deep come forth and commence thy dark formulae of ressurection flaw of the flesh, lust. called for! voices transcended the veil, so it awoke flaw of the Mind, deception rising from ayohsusts embrace flaw of the heart, betrayal. adorned in crimson flames flaw of the soul, blasphemy antithesis of the tetragrammaton. flaw of the blood, rage god of heinous acts lives again adam saurva. dark eidolon of deception. father of lies at this time, the third hour of night; guabrion ruled by sarquamech I stand before thee, in all my might by the power of the constellation of the order of the mind I weave the delight of Insanity into thy essence In doing so, I utterly eclipse my presence from existence hearken my aetyr, you who's sight brings horrible madness flaw of the flesh, lust. called for! voices transcended the veil, so it awoke flaw of the Mind, deception. rising from ayohsusts embrace flaw of the heart, betrayal. adorned in crimson flames flaw of the soul, blasphemy antithesis of the tetragrammaton. flaw of the blood, rage god of heinous acts lives again adam druj. dark eidolon of betrayal. mother of treachery at this time, the sixth hour of night; thaasoron, ruled by zaazenach I stand before thee, in all my might by the power of the constellation of the order of the heart I weave the delight of despair into thy essence In doing so, I utterly eclipse my presence from existence hearken my aetyr, eighteen eyed serpent who gazes back from the abyss adam Indra. dark eidolon of blasphemy. father of heresy at this time, the ninth hour of night; zeschar, ruled by pamiel I stand before thee, in all my might by the power of the constellation of the order of the soul I weave the delight of fear into thy essence In doing so, I utterly eclipse my presence from existence hearken my aetyr, embodiment of the frenzied tempest flaw of the flesh, lust. called for! voices transcended the veil, so it awoke flaw of the Mind, deception. rising from ayohsusts embrace flaw of the heart, betrayal. adorned in crimson flames flaw of the soul, blasphemy antithesis of the tetragrammaton. flaw of the blood, rage god of heinous acts lives again adam aeshma daeva. dark eidolon of fury. all - father of atrocities at this time, the twelfth hour of night; xphan, ruled by sarandiel I stand before thee, in all my might by the power of the constellation of the order of blood I weave the delight of wrath into thy essence In doing so, I utterly eclipse my presence from existence hearken my aetyr, sun of nether skies. thee I invoke, azhi dahaka