I call to thee, first of the triumvirate of timurti… lord of creation he who stands above and beyond any kind of force, calls to thee vowen together from divine phantasy, the offspring of the thought behold!! From the pyre of gods I have arised. gargantuan. Incandescent I call to thee, second of the triumvirate of timurti… lord of preservation he who is not written on the eternal tablets, calls to thee transcending the threshold of the sphere of mortals dissolving… dematerializing jagannβtha! the lord of the world rises in might a massive inexorable unrelenting remorseless force at his presence the sea of glass shatter draped in fearlessness. I am forever! I am all time time has been seen as the destroyer of all things makahala!…and so the great time approaches I have become death (kaalo'smi loka kshaya krt pravrddho) destroyer of worlds! (lokaan samaahartum iha pravrttah!) I call to thee, third of the triumvirate of timurti… lord of destruction he who outshines a million suns rising together, calls to thee Imbued with glyphs of havoc and soaked in rage the embodiment of glowing vengeance ascends ...and from the vast halls of the forgotten, the roar of terra In his hands, bloody fragments of the vast faces "Immemorial I have been, but now I rest in the embrace of remembrance" jagannβtha! the lord of the world rises in might a massive inexorable unrelenting remorseless force at his presence the silver sky darkens draped in fearlessness. I am forever! I am all time time has been seen as the destroyer of all things makahala!…and so the great time approaches I have become death (kaalo'smi loka kshaya krt pravrddho) destroyer of worlds! (lokaan samaahartum iha pravrttah!) I, dream cleaver, disturbance in the realm of divine dreams the madness thirsts. Insanity drinks solo: skjalg reaved of their thrones, and thrown into the black vortex of oblivion the abyss hungers. death feasts solo: erlend jagannβtha! the lord of the world rises in might a massive inexorable unrelenting remorseless force at his presence the sea of glass shatter draped in fearlessness. I am forever! I am all time