The Alchemist

The Angry Guy

The Alchemist

He's not playing, and he's not, we're not fucking with the edits
In the beginning
Definition, villain
We're not cutting it in a way like he thinks
They try to make me seem like, seem like I'm an angry guy
Def-definition, villain
Def-def-def-definition vill-, def-definition villain
What do you think? Since I've met you, what's the vibe?
Cool vibe
Haha, haha, you can't force someone to tell you about the vibe

I'm not, I'm not
No, that's really him
He's a villainous person
Definition, villain
He's a villainous person
He's not playing, he's not, we're not fucking with the edits
In the beginning
Definition, villain

You need people like me so you can point your fucking fingers and say: That's the bad guy
Def-def-definition, villain
Def-def-def-definition, def-definition, villain
I thought you'd see it my way
Get the fuck outta here
Get the fuck outta here
He doesn't understand, he can go fuck off
I'm outta here
Def-definition, villain, def-def-definition, villain
Nobody's gonna lie to me
And tell me that shit is amazing
I guess we just got different palettes