Knock, knock is someone at the door? There's no fairytale to read here No damsels in distress Just two sisters that were caught in a mess There's no wicked stepmother or fairy godmother No unpleasant day waiting to be saved Knock, knock is someone at the door? Hush little girl, we can wait a little more The demons you fear crawling in the night I wouldn't let you anywhere near their sight Hush little girl, don't say a word Sister's gonna get you a mockingbird Hush little girl, don't say a word Sister's gonna, gonna take care of you Knock, knock is someone at the door? I have always lived in this castle No one will come knocking I have always lived in this castle No one will come knocking I have always lived in this castle No one will come knocking on my door Hush now little girl, for there's nothing left to fear Open your eyes, you will see things crystal clear There's no magical bean that'll send you towards the skies Just a rusty skeleton ladder you will have to climb Trust me little sister, you are stronger than you realize So go on it is time Time for you to open your eyes As we go through our lives pretending There's no difference in what we decide As we go through our lives pretending There's no difference in wrong or right Knock, knock is someone at the door? I have always lived in this castle No one will come knocking I have always lived in this castle No one will come knocking I have always lived in this castle No one will come knocking on my door, not anymore No one, no one will come knocking, not anymore No one will come knocking on my door