I've been kicked around and dragged through the mud No tales of my glory will ever be sung The fear we all feel is more than just real It's a blinding emotion we must forge into steel My brothers and sisters we're the true underdogs What good is this land if one day it's all gone? Together we trudge on this blood drenched soil And together we face, we face this mortal coil We will survive At the end of the tunnel there's always a light We will survive If we stay strong we can win any fight Win any fight They prey on the sheep for the sheep are weak And the watchdogs protect us from restless sleep But the wolves and the dogs are few And we are many Survival's an instinct we forget we carry So let us awake to the truth We will survive At the end of the tunnel there's always a light We will survive If we stay strong we can win any fight Με οδηγό το αίμα Ανοίξατε ανοίξατε τις πύλες Για να μπουν οι ψυχές στον κάτω Στον κάτω τον κόσμο Οι ψυχές μας Σήμερα κλαίνε οι ουρανοί Σήμερα το αίμα το αίμα πέφτει σαν βροχή Σαν σήμερα γεννηθήκαμε Και απόψε θα πεθάνουμε