The Acappella Company

Teaching the truth in love

The Acappella Company

Are we teaching the truth in love
Telling it like it is
While holding pure motives
And showing that we can 
Are we teaching the truth in love 

A man came to my Jesus
Telling all that he had done
To fulfill the good commandments
He knew every single one
But Jesus said there's something
That indeed he did lack
Yes the savior told the truth
He didn't hold the message back 

He was teaching the truth in love
Telling it like it is
While holding pure motives
And showing that He can 
He was teaching the truth in love 

A woman caught in evil and without an alibi
The truth, so very obvious, made no attempt to lie
With all the foes against her how she felt so all alone
Until Jesus asked the people who would throw the first stone 

He was teaching the truth in love
Telling it like it is
While holding pure motives
And showing that He can 
He was teaching the truth in love 
In love... 

Sometimes it's hard to know exactly how we are to share
With the Master's words of confidence, directly, do we dare?
Should we water down the message, should we tell them only part?
Will they see Him in our message, will they see Him in our heart? 

(Chorus 2x) 

Are we teaching the truth... 
... in love...