Blinded by the swirling dust Fade into twilight from dusk Burnt by the desert sun I don't remember anyone Delusion outs my mind at ease I can barely see or breathe Looking up to the sky I feel so lonely I could die This sand will be my grave Picked apart before I am saved The vultures circle overhead Don't cry for me I'm already dead The wilted waste around me My heart starts beating slowly Each breath feels like my last No future only past I can move I cannot think The world moves on around me Nothing but blue skies above As my lungs begin to combust I put the swine before the pearls A dying man in a dying world I see the circling crows They all know what no one else knows Barely conscious barely alive I relinquish my right my will to survive As my lungs fill with heat and sand I reach out to grab your hand Mirage in life and dream in death After this there is nothing left