goin' my own way gives me a thrill until i take a spill oh, what a kill goin' my own way i have to flag a ride out to the end of the road where i've already died but if you pick me up you'll need to dust me off 'cuz i'm low down, dirty good for nothing' i thought yeah, if you pick me up you'll need to carry me 'cuz i'm damaged, naked blind, i cannot see no i cannot see goin' my own way it's such a colorful ride where my heart spells out my crimes in living black and white goin' my own way i can't get my fill i need to know your will i need to know your will 'cuz it's a crowded road it's a lost highway where you still carry your load at the end, at the end, at the end of the day but if i take your trail i can lose that weight shed it off, shake it out move it on, move it out get it off, get it out if i take your trail i'm bound to fail in the eyes of this world where what a man does is what a man's worth but it's worth it all if i can look you in the face at the end of this road at the end of this place i may bust my butt they may say i'm nuts but i'm nuts for you i'm nuts for you if it's what you'd have me to do i'll be a nut for you