Mama don't understand she wants to hold my hand Night and day She don't like my clothes They're wearing thin On her nerves She don't like my hair My glorious crown Brings her down She won't take me serious Think I'll join the circus Be a clown And they'll all laugh They'll all laugh They'll all laugh But it's not funny No I'm restless Wanna bust out of my skin Got a rocket In my pocket Got no fuel No charted course Got no direction No, they did not give me those in school Yes, I've been a fool for cool But no kind of hair, no shoes, no jackets Gonna help me hack it, hack it Hack it to pieces, man I've had it And you can have it Chorus Well, I wonder what will Get me off So I pick and choose and take And in a couple years You're right I'm left With a great big heartache So deep and wide That no matter what I stuff inside It's empty Just the way it came It's a crying shame But all the same Chorus Should I recall All the people I have hurt Along the way And should I try To justify Every wrong I did not right But two wrongs don't make it right And so it keeps me up at night And I lie awake And while away the meanwhile And meanwhile...... Meanwhile I dwell On the baby that I killed Or the drink I should have not refilled And every heart I broke in 2 And left to die Bleeding on the roadside Or I could sit And let my eyes fill with mist For every girl that I should not have kissed And all the broken family ties The loved ones I have missed Yes, I have mist in my eyes And so I cry But why should I should I Chorus And everything I've got I'm gonna lose Both good and bad Will pass And what next What lies Beyond the broken dreams And shattered mirrors I keep looking in To check my luck Or skill But only pride keeps staring back And stil I laugh Still I laugh And none of this, of course, Will stand When I stand before the man On that great day Of the great divide When all the kings and queens Will have their closets emptied And the bones will all fall out 'Dem bones 'dem bones 'dem dry bones Will not fail Dead men will tell tales And you can laugh And I can laugh And we can laugh But it's not funny