I took pity on mortal men He decreed that my torment would never end I gave fire straight into your hand And taught you to use it in cold winterland I betrayed him for he was wrong I saw wanders poetry and song Loved and cherished to guide them through the dawn of time Once we stood together Against your father Kronos Now our thoughts nevermore Can find their mutual trail Here I am chained to this mountain of Caucasus Each day the eagle it lands to eat my liver Cold every night… Oh, how I wish for it all to end Will this torture never cease? Time is standing still I am Chained Waiting for salvation to kill me My circle of torment begins again… Chained to the mountain Caucasus Suffering all the wrath of Zeus Trapped on the mountain Caucasus No mortal child can understand Guide For The Blind songtext Musik Songtext Suddenly an arrow sprang Through the sky closing in on its pray The dying eagle lies on the ground I am set free this I cannot believe But still the curse of the Zeus is upon me for evermore And now mankind is sick and diseased but nor without hope… She was a maiden fair and kind Her faith would be intertwine with mine Here I am chained to this mountain of Caucasus Each day the eagle it lands to eat my liver Cold every night… Oh, how I wish for it all to end Chained to the mountain Caucasus Suffering all the wrath of Zeus Trapped on the mountain Caucasus No mortal child can understand No mortal Child can understand Once he gave us the fire of Gods Since he could not deny his own heart Pain he left for us tore through the night He suffered it all alone, guide for the blind