My body trembles... Trembles with an appealing bitterness. Delight yourself smiling In the penumbra of a dusky passage Which confines a sad and tender tone... Slow, nostalgic burden. Drops in its bosom, drowning them, Undertaking the silence, But not the tranquillity. Shades of perspired wax In a cadenced perspective. Chilled in the insubmission To the theatrical final. As fallen and humid leaves on the floor, Agreeing with a penalty That the winds condemned. Awaked by disguised voices among the shadows, Dancing around, ghosts dissembled as children. Dancing around as if they were playing The wheel of fortune... Enclosed in the creation Of a non-existent transparency, We flow through the wrists, Fearing a solemn audacity. Fragile abyss that never goes away, Enrapturing myself With tremulous and sprinkled puddles, In a winter's overcast nightfall.