Tom: C ALBUM:PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH TAB EXPLANATION: T Two hand tapping Tb+1 Hold bended note and then tab the last note marked with T b+1 Bend note one whole step b+½ Bend note half step b+1 r Bend note and then release pb+1 Bend note whole step and strike the note ub+1 Bend lower note to achieve Unison cb+1 +½ Combound bend: bend the note first one step, then hold and bend half step (1½ steps) B.F. Bar flutter w/bar Use tremolobar \-½/ Dip with tremolobar ~~~~ Hand vibrato thrill Hammer-on and pull-off as fast as possible P.S. Pick scrape P.M. Palm muting A.H. Artificial Harmonic < < < < Volume swells with know or pedal (A) Intro: Guitar 1 (Clean) (Alex) |--------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |--------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |--------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |--2--4--4--4--4--4--4--4--5--4--4--4--4--4--4--4--|-5--4--4--5--4--4--5--4--5--4--4--4--4--4--4--4-----------| |--------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |--------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| | |Guitar 2 w/dist. enters 2nd time |(Eric) | vol swell < < < < < < < < < <