
Hatreds Rise


Tom: C

Intro Lead: Repeat x8 00:03-00:35

-----8----8--9----9-----8-----|6/8  <-Not real sure about slide part but thats
-0-0---0-0--0--0-0--0-0-------|    the closest i could get
 * *   * *  *  * *  * *
Intro Rhythm 00:07-00:36

-------------------   --------|
-------------------   --------|
-------------------   --------|
------------------- x3--------|
-2~----2---3--3-3--   -2----4-|
-2~----2---3--3-3--   -2----4-|
           *  * *

Lead Bridge 00:36

Chorus 00:38-00:54


Next play the Intro riffs 00:54-1:09
              Lead Bridge 01:10

Back to Chorus 01:12-01:28

Pre-Solo 1:28-1:40


(whichever sounds better to you.. that goes for the whole tab, you can do either the
power chords or the rooted)