Once upon a time The mighty warriors went for the sacred battles For a vote to be worthy of the land They lived on Many centuries have passed And the soldiers returning from the battle Cursed the war and didn't see a reason They give their lives for Many of them have survived But a great many have fallen into oblivion Transcending the edge of the human recognition How much the life costs now? The chaos' wind inflows Along the labyrinth of time Silent we await our wave We made our way through the web of slime But what is pulling us up? But what's pulling us up? Nothing's left of what we believe The wind of the anger blows us off In the sea of bitterness we are drowning Leave in this world ominous Burn by the flames of flints Leaving this world on a knees Burnt by the flames of lies Drowning in the sea of bitterness Withering in the swampy stenches Find the right thing to turn away Leave in this world ominous Burn by the flames of flints Leaving this world on a knees Burnt by the flames of lies Let the knife of wrong Slowly slides by the neck of days The chaos' wind inflows along Silent we await our wave