Potatees love My gravy love Potatees love My gravy love Potatees love My gravy love Tomatees, and potatees, and my peas Tomatees, and potatees, and my peas Potatees love My gravy love Potatees love My gravy love Potatees love My gravy love Tomatees, and potatees, and my peas Tomatees, and potatees, and my peas I put 'em in my hat And I eat 'em just like that I put 'em in my ears and in my shoes I put 'em in my pants And I do a little dance This always seems to take away my blues Potatees love My gravy love Potatees love My gravy love Potatees love My gravy love Tomatees, and potatees, and my peas Tomatees, and potatees, and my peas Tomatees, and potatees, and my peas