Sa la vey Sa la guerre When that soft suburban moonlight Plays a mansionette melody Calling all blue collars And their sweet boufantee's To go slipping through the shadows Sipping corvasier It's magnifique in Rendezvous, U...S...A Sa la vey It's not Parie Sa la guerre It's over here When fast food restaurants elegante Offer glamour with glitter galore An tattooed hands hold champagne That whispers of amour To them coquettes across the tables With their crepe-suzette's flirt'eee...yeah Ahhh great fond-due In Rendezvous U...S...A Sa la vey It's not Parie Sa la guerre Yeah but I don't care 'Cause sleazy sheik haunts the ballrooms Dancing disco's debonair An beau-coups of hip medallions Rub against Frederick's brassieres An they'll soon get off together to French tickle some tet-a-tet...yeh Ahhh what a grand adieu To Rendezvous... What a grand adieu To Rendezvous U...S...A