Snow White Angel On the wings Of a snow white angel He played steel guitar And the drugs Broke his brain Off into angles But his fingers Played true to his heart Billy (I) Ah Billy You got diamond Sparkle blue eyes tonight Yeah Billy You got the pistol In your soul And the mariachi music Makes you crazy all ' right Hey down at Rose's Santa Rosa New Mexico Ft. Sumner He was born in New York City On a cold and a windy day Yeah his Momma didn't love him Cause she throwed him away On the doorsteps of this woman Who took in wash to make her way And she raised him with a vengeance So he left her the same damn way Well this hobo named him Billy On a train to the level land He said Boy you can make it easy With a shovel in your hand If you can just get to Lincoln County Dig for gold in the Indian land He said Hobo I'm a loner I'll take my gold with an outlaw band And they heard thunder In Ft. Sumner New Mexico And they heard thunder In Ft. Sumner New Mexico Loneliness Hey loneliness You say it's doing you in Ah but you still got Some playing to do And that won't end Billy But you been missing What you been kissing For years You just can't recognize A sacred heart When she bleeds for you Billy You just keep on playing Like New Mexico Is the whole God damned world And you got the floor Billy Yeah but loneliness You say it's doing you in Ah but you still got Some playing to do And that won't end Billy Lonely Road He played steel guitar In a rock n roll bar And he'd run to his car Beneath the stars Yeah it's New Mexico Wherever you are When your 31 On the running Yeah you might wonder But you'll never know That mystery boy With them sleazy clothes His flashing smile His lightning hands He gonna take what he wants On the Pecos Grande In the Promised Land Yeah Billy the Boy He felt the pistol joy Shakin his hands On the Mountain Yeah he did what he did Then he run and he hid His blood bubbled up In the fountains Blood bubbled up In the fountains Yeah whiskey flows And the peyote grows Through a thousand night times A thousand shows And the desert burns But a cold wind blows On a lonely road New Mexico Billy (II) Ah Billy You got dimes In your blue eyes tonight Yeah Billy You got the lead In your soul And you're bleedin to death Beneath the dance hall lights Ah Billy Where did your blue eyes go?