buses are still the same, late and packed tides are still the same, doing what the moon says life always wasted, oh them... the useless you bet they'll undoubtedly pass on their uselessness streets are still violent and when the night falls you give yourself to mortality going for a walk is it what you really hope will happen? you think it might feel like your favorite drug when it finally kicks in? the harder I try the less I see any point in life the harder I try the less I see any point in life or in god's designs lkfafgaEJDDgvnvkjfqurqeoyfqh see any point in life any point in god's designs any point in life is it god's desire? nothing was the same, I was a little insane I didn't know what to do for, oh lord, I missed you so and days were endless and it was so painful life was upside down with you then without you when I thought everything was like it was meant to be a hairpin bend and a jackknifed lorry took you away from me when I thought everything was like it was meant to be a carcrash on a rainy day took you away from me the harder...