Tear it off, tear it all off Feed my damned skin to them demons God he has turned his back on me And me my back on him Send them out, send them all out I will reject them as they Come to my aid Visions divine: Powers arcane? The earth calls me As the soil turns red And the sky seems dead You will know I am fed Up with being misled Your angels can no longer help me Since I no longer wish your help A new face has been revealed My time is too precious for you What should I do? What can I do? My life, a lie? I scratch my arm, I scratch it hard The rashes from your God They are hard to erase Beat faith into us, beat it in hard We beat it out! Tell me-what is it you have to offer? Heaven? This is my heaven right here Right here next to me! My spirit flies Side by side, with science, with Progress, with knowledge I worship myself and all surroundings You will never see when we unite. You Will never know when we join hands The fix is here, bur you just can't cope But take heed, keep eyes everywhere You do not look. You will never know What lurks behind the next corner Ungodly, 21st century children What should I do? What can I do? My life. A lie? If it is war, war that you want Then it is a war you will get We will strike down upon you Like the virus that we are Infesting, infecting Destroying all you hold dear I his cross is mine, it is mine to carry Have you been listening to me? Hush Can you not see? All this blood that we bleed Is no longer meant tor you Can you not sec? All the tears that we weep We only share them with ourselves A lie