Tom: C PUT A CAPO ON 5TH FRET!! *This is the way she played it on the Opry. If you want to play it without a capo: replace G with C C with F D with G G Should of known it was you knocking on my door At a half past a heartache at quarter to four C D G Were you startin' to worry I was finally gettin' over you G I almost forgot you looked so fine If you told me some lies it would be like old times C D G Just getting to see you is almost worth the things you do Refrão ------------- G You're easy on the eyes, hard on the heart D C G You look so good but the way things look ain't the way they are C D Better say goodbye before this goes too far C D G Now I've realized you're easy on the eyes, hard on the heart -------------------- G I got to admit you got a smile That really reeled me in for a while C D G But it ain't funny honey what you put me through G So why don't you send me your photograph It'd hurt a lot less than takin' you back C D G And I could still have my favorite part of you CHORUS INSTRUMENTAL (G C D G) CHORUS