Eagle: The land we all love, it's now in danger and pain, the man has destroyed the skies with this rotten smoke Dolphin: The seas now are dying, we all cry in pain, they've poisoned our waters, searching for black gold the species must pay, they're draining our veins Lion: I used to be king, my land was a beautiful place, the greed of the man is extinction that all must now face Eagle, Dolphin, Lion: ¡Earth now cries in pain! Earth: Don't worry my sons, together we're going to find the way, for centuries we've endure the sins of the men and their fate. We have to be strong, I deeply believe in the cure, not all men are wrong, I hope they will change their evil way Earth: Do it before it's all done Eagle, Dolphin, Lion: Who's going to cry for our souls? Earth: Change or a war will begin Eagle, Dolphin, Lion: Punish their vanity game Lion: Corrupted the soul, their demons now feast with our skin, we're ll left alone, the time is now closing their show Eagle: The air is now toxic, the sun burns my wings, the damage is done Dolphin: The master destroys the waters of life, our future is dead Eagle, Dolphin, Lion: Earth now cries in pain! Earth: Don't worry my sons, together we're going to find the way, for centuries we've endure the sins of the men and their fate. We have to be strong, I deeply believe in the cure, not all men are wrong, I hope they will change their evil way Earth: Do it before it's all done Eagle, Dolphin, Lion: Who's going to cry for our souls? Earth: Change or a war will begin Eagle, Dolphin, Lion: Punish their vanity game Eagle, Dolphin, Lion: Earth will cry in pain! Earth: Don't worry my sons, together we're going to find the way, for centuries we've endure the sins of the men and their fate. We have to be strong, I deeply believe in the cure, not all men are wrong, I hope they will change their evil way Earth: Time passes by their heart is now poisoned with lies, they worked so hard to put me in destruction and pain. Now they must pay, all kind of disasters they'll face, I'm sorry for all, they didn't listen at all Earth: You didn't listen at all Eagle, Dolphin, Lion: Vengeance the blood of our sons Earth: I'll punish their vanity game!