The night is drawing near and the light is dying Our souls take place black in our bodies After a painly travel through the realm of Death As our memories come back to us Scorn and hate are filling our black hearts During the ancient times The living put us in the tomb And forgot us with the rising sun Now it is their turn To discover the realm of shadows We will plunge our dark blade Always deeper into their hearts and souls Only then will they understand That pain is eternal Darkness has overcome the light Our reign begins and theirs is finished Let's go out from our tombs And let's satiate our revenge Under the wan moon We rise by legion The Living can hide nowhere For darkness is our essence We relish from their pain and fear We are dead We are their death Locked into our coffins they will suffer for eternity Only then will they understand That pain is eternal Now their howls reach us From the infernal abyss Fettered in hell they will Never find the eternal rest For their god has forbidden Us all his realm Then in our greatest might We took this god down into Hell To have him know the eternal pain