See all Middle-Earth bleed in pain. The dark stain of Sauron spoil the land. The horde of the cruel Uruk Hai Their iron boots fastened again! The trolls of coarse evil minds. The vultures high in the sky. The wolves in the forests, the tortures and death, The terrors of Sauron returned! Oh! People, believe what I say: The quest for the Ring for the One, begins... The nine Nazgull Lords rise again, Black riders, hungry for their prey! The Captains of Barád Dür, Defenders of Mordor's Gate, Are riding and flying in search of the One, Under the spell of the Nine! Bilbo met Gollum and the Master-Ring, His part is already done! Oh Gandalf's advice His heir Frodo rose A chain with the One Hanging from his neck... From the still of the Shire Through dangerous stands, With foes close behind He shall go to the dark! Fast he'll march, far to East, Last hope for us all to get rid of the Ring... There's no choice!! Frodo, Sam, Pippin and Merry left all The Shire, the beloved Hobbiton! Bearer of the One Ring, you shan't be alone The King shall return from the past! The once broken sword, The white leafy tree Be risen again From the dust of time At Rivendell's halls The Council has met. There Elrond and Gandalf Show the master plan Hobbits, Men, Elves and Dwarves Shall face the Black Lord in the War of the Ring...