Its a blackened sky 
upstyle down finding 
icky mettle to free all angels 
in casino out means 
so long astoria 
americana will let go of discovery 

a mark, a mission, a brand, a scar 

hot fuss 
and spit 
the fake sound of progress means say it like you mean it 
when you start static 

futures of where you want to be 
because we're casually dressed and deep in conversation but the anthem will never stop the captain 
when clarity says lets talk about feelings 
come clean 

the fat of the land 
means very emergency 
united by fate is astray in neon ballrooms 
so cheer up 
we're coming far from nowhere 
its the final straw of the lost superunknown 

the soundtrack for a generation 
is just what it is to burn 
twisted by design 