Tom: A Main Riff: e----------0----0h1-0h1h0------0---- b-------0--3-------------------3---- g---------------------------2------- d--3b4------------------------------ a----------------------------------- e----------------------------------- When Chris Cornell starts singing, just play: "Well, she cried... e------------------0-- b---------------0--3-- g--------------------- d----------3b4-------- a--------------------- e--------------------- Chorus: "In my four... ...walled world" e----/7-7-7-7\--5-5-- e-3-3-- b----/7-7-7-7\--5-5-- x3 then b-3-3-- g----/7-7-7-7\--6-6-- g-0-0-- etc. d-------------------- d------ a-------------------- a------ e-------------------- e------ Outro: "my fo-o-o-o-o-o-o-r walled world" e--/10-10-12-10\-/9-9\--/7-7-7-7\- b--/10-10-10-10\-/9-9\--/7-7-7-7\- g--/10-10-10-10\-/9-9\--/7-7-7-7\- d--------------------------------- a--------------------------------- e--------------------------------- It sounds like Stone or whomever is playing the chorus and outro is using a slide, so I've indicated that with slide marks. Just listen to the song to get the feel of it. There is a solo...if anyone has any ideas, please send them in. If you have any suggestions, comments, questions, etc., feel free Thanks, and enjoy!