Undoubtedly tellus was a cradle For uncountable species, and still is A big rock terraformed in space, a titanic contraption Molded through intense heat and astonishing sub-zero cold Big bang, our home is being shaped The space is spitfiring boulders on tellus Big monoliths accommodates over grounds Life is getting built, through chaos around Gravity is forcing the seas to wave our coasts Making fine shapes in every details Tellus was terraformed So we all were too Living with felicity Destined to be doomed Whoever created this Whoever planned this Got us born into bliss And let us die in debris Shaped our home, and still is changing No matter the differences, we were born from the same Unimaginable forces, from this wonderful event Lets take our time, 'cause one day we'll be gone For brand new specimens adapt in future shapes Terraformer determines who will stay Can you bear, to live in such a changing home It's hard to think that even a small bug Can be stronger than us in the end, and survive The non-stop terraforming