My religion against yours Opium for masses assembles a harvest The time of deceitful ideas Calls up to fight for unreflection My beautiful angel My triumph - your defeat Taked in embrace of death - time I`ve won... you`ve lost... Who is to blame? You see your light in the darkness This light in the darkness, not inversely The evilness in the rightenousness, time of sin The bell tolls the song of heart Triumph, defeat, a lost truth Deamons of the night In the whisper of nocturnal kings What more... whose right... Who is to blame? Obsession - despair This is your destiny Believe and fight in oblivion Unintentional cadaver and pain This is your nonentity Smell of the blood Sand in the eyes What more... whose right... Bloody victims of itself But you my angel will last Your new charge is waiting Entertainment for immortal one