We're sometimes Swallowed, murded, blooded and we leave just our lives scared and we live TILL' WE DIE with the broken part At the end of the live YOU'LL FIND A HOLE THAT YOU FALL IN INSIDE The ground of the hole is cold BUT DIE DON'T WAIT FOR YOU TO GONE How many ways to die, I'VE SELECTED THE WORST TO YOU and we leave just our lives scared and we live TILL' WE DIE with the broken part At the end of the live YOU'LL FIND A HOLE THAT YOU FALL IN INSIDE The ground of the hole is cold BUT DIE DON'T WAIT FOR YOU TO GONE WAIT TO GONE OOOOOOOOH YOUR PHAMTOM IS MY PRIZE YOUR PHAMTOM IS MY PRIZE WAIT TO GONE OOOOOOOOH How many ways to die I'VE SELECTED THE WORST TO YOU and we leave just our lives scared and we live TILL' WE DIE with the broken part At the end of the live YOU'LL FIND A HOLE THAT YOU FALL IN INSIDE The ground of the hole is cold BUT DIE DON'T WAIT FOR YOU TO GONE WAIT TO GONE THE HELL IS WAITING WAIT TO GONE LIVE DON'T MAKE SENSE NOW YOU'RE DONE YOU FALL WAIT TO GONE