Team Music

Just Yesterday

Team Music

Just Yesterday 
I was thinking of you 
On how you would be here a few years 
Just Yesterday 
I thought you 
That the time spent all these years 

I remember like it was yesterday 
You calling me out for 
You make me play 
Laughing, having fun 
I remember like it was yesterday 

Just Yesterday 
I spoke to you about this 
You rejected me 
Just Yesterday 
I was angry at you 
Destroying everything that made me think of you 

Just Yesterday 
I thought about everything we did 
And I realized 
That had nothing wrong 
I get angry at you 
Just Yesterday 
I was mad at you 
Was willing to swear out on the street 
Because of you 

I had a moment of stress 
Because of you 
Now do not talk to you 
Just Yesterday 
I talk with you 
But not now 

Just Yesterday 
I thought about everything we did 
And I realized 
That had nothing wrong 
I get angry at you 
Just Yesterday 
I was mad at you 
Was willing to swear out on the street 
Because of you