Back in the day when all begun You were my cherished one Then you enjoy to playin' God With no more care for me I gave you life and you want kill me I wonder why you choose to sail the wrong direction Instead of live in harmony you devastate You burn the woods that give you air You poison the water that you drink You live with no regrets, with no respect for me Pollution, business, war and lust Darkened your mind and heart - money's the cancer in your life Wasting resources no tomorrow No way to get back I can see no vision, I can see no destination Your time is running out, you cannot save yourselves Eating your chemical efforts Squandering more and more You live with no regrets, with no respect for me Sun is shining for us Water's flowing for us Earth is feeding us Woods are breathing for us Noooo we just destroy, we act as locusts with no aim We live with no regrets With no respect for mother earth Mother earth