Clear as winter morning sky Frozen tears of sacrifice Wishes in the well of night A burning devouring desire The velvet glance, shiver And whisper, loneliness of love denied Brave as an eagle flying high Time's a never-ending dive Face up and greet the rising sun Hammering inside the mind The need of freedom, bitter price, the brand of fire on the heart Carved with fire on your heart Honor, mercy, courage, honesty Carved with fire on your heart What you get is always what you give (Haec in animo tuo igne sculpta sunt Honor, miseratio, virtus, probitas Haec in animo tuo igne sculpta sunt Semper habebis qaue dederis) Still is the pond of memories Time's a never-ending lie Dew of fear dyed the eye A mirror on the great divide Flame of steel, the will of justice Light to darkness, death to life Carved with fire on your heart Honor, mercy, courage, honesty Carved with fire on your heart Repay for the harvest of your seeds The brand of fire on the heart!! Carved with fire on your heart Honor, mercy, courage, honesty Carved with fire on your heart What you get is always what you give Ablazed by the golden sun River heals the hero's wounds Rest your heart of dragon on your sword Ablazed by the golden sun River heals the hero's wounds Rest your heart of dragon on your sword