Strangled by your own filth Once upon a time, degenerated Virtual has become reality For many of those that life didn’t spare A refuge in bytes instead of arms Don’t! Stop! Listen to you inner voice Forgive! Bury your bullshits six feet under Whatever you’re feeling you hold I’m trying to figure myself that it’s cold Like the ice of waterfalls Disdain of a porn industry That you are using to take control But I’m not beside you The future that we already fear Is now knocking to our window Drift, straight Forward to what revolves around us Dreaming of Dwelling in darkness, far from reality No time to pretend the redeemer inside Addicted to fake, do not cross the borderline Soft drug damaging, locked up in a cage Unaware of thoughts, feelings and torments Escape from this endless maze Drain the poison in your veins Poisoned by a false life Strangled by your own filth Whatever you’re feeling you hold I’m trying to figure myself that it’s cold But I’m not beside you