Touch me with fingers of innocence Unknown peril amid the dark stream Careless digits betrayed clinging passion To burn the senses of flesh Helpless hate inside of me Impotence of action chemical cleansing Then strike the match And forget the past Never again Unclean Under the skin Burning Fuel of purification Gasoline Filthy memory whore With me forever wilted flower No trust part of me has died Desire the price paid Action without thought Taunting me in my dreams rotting flesh Then I strike the match And forget the past Never again Unclean Under the skin Burning Fuel of purification Gasoline Can't you see this hell you've put me through? The grafted skin. I've seen what's not meant to see I'd rather burn my filthy hand than let the putrid fetor stand I put it in the tub of gasoline and lit it on fire.. lit it on fire It hurt so fucking bad, but now I can't change it Well you, you could have warned... that something's lurking in the darkness of the valley The smells of a dying land The wreaking wounds of a million slaughtered beasts Rotten asparagus.. Rotten asparagus You watched as I sank in deeper and thought that I wouldn't care