The Perfect World


The perfect world 
It won't change my mind 
After so much time, 
The screams disappeared 
No longer I hear anything else 
I try to speak with you 
But it seems that all left 
The world doesn't seem more the same 
Finally, I know what is peace 
But, without chance, I don't know if I want to be here 
The peace is tranquilizing 
But I feel lack of some noise 
Something that makes me to know that am not alone 
But that is my price, and I have to pay 

It was a feather I to think the world would move 
In the end, me that I changed it definitively 
The silence, the sound lack goes mad 
It is horrible to have to learn with that new life 
Because now, no there is as fleeing 
I will have to discover who I am really. 

The perfect world 
It won't change my mind 
After so much time, 
The screams disappeared 
No longer, I hear anything else 
I try to speak with you 
But it seems that all left 
The world doesn't seem more the same 
Finally, I know what is peace 
But, without chance, I don't know if I want to be here 
The peace is tranquilizing 
But I feel lack of some noise 
Something that makes me to know that I am not alone 
But that is my price, and I have to pay 

It was a feather I to think the world would move 
In the end, me that I changed it definitively 
The silence, the sound lack goes mad 
It is horrible to have to learn with that new life 
Because now, no there is as fleeing 
I will have to discover who I am really. 

The perfect world 
It won't change my mind 
After so much time, 
The screams disappeared