Tell her Kweli! Relax, Smith! Shout out to my man, Mr. E We’re international, We’re international! Reade? This life is so seducting, You say you know you’re fronting, We, we, we, we get into what? It’s so disrupting! You stay promote or something, That’s how I know you’re bluffing, These bars make you wanna go whoa, it’s so disgusting! Baby afford every time to adopt, Angels cry every time ... They fall to the Earth and they lose their wings And they worship the devils if they get them kings This life is so seducting, You say you know you’re fronting, We, we, we, we get into what? It’s so disrupting! What they say when they speak on your memory Confortable .. and the wee is the remedy We get drunk and rich for the Hennessey Speak to the Lord like speak to the Tennessee. Either walk through the valley of the Look up in the hills, you can see your enemy Come a forth mile, come up with a smile the streets, better wow! They’re ain’t no respecting lady, There ain’t no hesitating, So where our neck is breaking and the respect is taken? I pause cause nothing is given, We get lost in the system, Ah, ah, ... but what’s the cause you’re living? Boys like me... to the prison, Laws are written be a pause for... So you know the price, do you know the cause I’m so.. the flow is nice, victorious, We gonna take ‘em laws, so glorious from Brooklyn like Notorious, we’re taking... When the warrior ... This life is so seducting, You say you know you’re fronting, We, we, we, we get into what? It’s so disrupting! You stay promote or something, That’s how I know you’re bluffing, These bars make you wanna go whoa, it’s so disgusting! Baby afford every time to adopt, Angels cry every time ... They fall to the Earth and they lose their wings And they worship the devils if they get them kings This life is so seducting, You say you know you’re fronting, We, we, we, we get into what? It’s so disrupting! You stay promote or something, That’s how I know you’re bluffing, These bars make you wanna go whoa, it’s so disgusting! It’s awful every ghetto or town No matter black, white, red, yellow or brown Ain’t no sign of settling down When the guns ...every.. is a sound ..block of law, .. don’t stop the flow! Martin Luther King Junior had a dream That was ... streets and hospitals Where the bodies go before they’re berried Or already half way to the cemetery This ..who holds the story ..the ice and the cream like... And the murder story but the ghetto is clean ...working on a seven day lean ..just grabbing a heavenly scene ... The point I’m making is know your colors, Before your blood run red in the ghetto, I got a flow to make you so shut up, Can you borrow that? No my brother! Get your own, get in the zone And tell everybody that it’s your song... ..turn your felonies into melodies Recipes to my nigger.. ...the best to the... memories. This life is so seducting, You say you know you’re fronting, We, we, we, we get into what? It’s so disrupting! You stay promote or something, That’s how I know you’re bluffing, These bars make you wanna go whoa, it’s so disgusting! Baby afford every time to adopt, Angels cry every time ... They fall to the Earth and they lose their wings And they worship the devils if they get them kings This life is so seducting, You say you know you’re fronting, We, we, we, we get into what? It’s so disrupting! You stay promote or something, That’s how I know you’re bluffing, These bars make you wanna go whoa, it’s so disgusting!