Eternal are the wounds from which eagerness bleeds denied Through such grievous endearment, with quietude so sad Beneath the swarm of agonies, frail words turn to dust As hope bears the nexus of its cold postmortal bed A distance has grown, another decreased Each moment devours the very heart of resistance As failures feast, solemnly deciphering eternity Mongst blisses waned, where life's vestiges fade … there's only seclusion to marvel at With the first light, darkness came along Like a constant stream with no source nor mouth Subsurface pain efflorescence - my internal garden of roses dead Where the grief is still lurking in every dream Reaching still for the deep dark void The wine of the damned I taste Tears fill the chalice of bittersweet dolefulness As I wallow caressed by desolation … disconsolate seasons to witness The sun welters dying, enswathed in diaphonous eclipse Beneath the swarm of agonies - one last solitary glimpse To set ablaze the leftovers of an illusion's synthetic art The amorphous remains of a petrified era sobbing in my frozen heart