Taken in the back by the tracks With the rust and the whitewall Steel-belted and I'm stealin' Away from a woman Who will never ever understand Why I'm gone so long Whoa, oh I can't get a feelin' from a woman Who doesn't wanna be there On the inside with my kind Don't blame me I didn't ask to be born in a hick town Hick town Now it only goes to show you were right When you spit out a mouthful At the people who were tellin' you You gotta give it up It gets lost in the shuffle of a big town And it's only 'cause they can't see The nose on their faces And the dust in the places they lay down All around, all around Don't blame me I didn't ask to be born in a hick town Hick town Well, I'm leavin' that small town behind I don't wanna live my life I don't wanna live my life Unknown Unknown in a hick town, hick town Hick town, hick town Hick town, hick town Taken in the back by the tracks With the rust and the whitewall Steel-belted and I'm stealin' Away from a woman Who will never ever understand Why I'm gone so long Whoa, now I can't get a feelin' from a woman Who doesn't wanna be there On the inside with my kind Don't blame me I didn't ask to be born in a hick town Hick town Now I'm leavin' that small town behind Takin' the country from my mind Leavin' that small town behind