It's a free for all First comments served Half listens in And haven't watched it until the end yet I haven't watched it until the end But you can't stop yourself (You can't stop yourself) But you can't stop yourself (Before you could get it for free) Do you remember what that used to mean? I'm not angry, I'm not anything at all I'm not angry I'm not anything at all Why work if you don't have to? Don't listen we'll do it for you Cause I feel like a bigger man With the upper hand In those last few seconds before I hit send I keep my head down and hope for a hit Open the flood gates for all those smug little kids (It's not their fault) They don't have any friends (They can't help themselves) They can't stop themselves (They can't stop themselves) Undressing themselves (Alone in their room) Thinking that no one will ever love them (Is to tell me what I'm doing wrong) It didn't make you happy, it didn't make you anything at all But you kept asking You kept asking for that song And I'm not angry, I'm not anything at all I'm not angry I'm not anything at all Why work if you don't have to? Don't listen we'll do it for you Cause I feel like a bigger man With the upper hand In those last few seconds before I hit send It didn't make you happy, it didn't make you anything at all But you kept asking You kept asking for that song Why work if you don't have to? Don't listen we'll do it for you Cause I fell like a bigger man With the upper hand In those last few seconds before I hit send