since 2000 years i'm waitng for someone who asks the right questions but 'til that day nobody was able to so i close my eyes and look back, back in time since 2000 years i'm waiting for something that maybe can happen a world full of balance and understanding i open my mind and look ahead the human race was bom and so the lies began mass euphoria to give rise to great hopes but soon we understand that might is the force of destiny to give love in others hearts is not our purpose a bad outlook supported by the rulers of earth war and famine leaded by divine fanatics we will survive we will survive stand up for human rights, fight against racism prevent violence against the weak mistreated children in every street, world pollution atomic plants, overpopulation the pope preaches"no contraception" i think there's no TV in vatican city don't forget you're still alive while a thousands people die show your protest make it heard, all over the world we will survive we will survive we will survive