I have trapped a little wind in a box 
I can hear it whiz around in there 
And with my ear against the box 
I dip brushes in colours nobody's ever seen 
I paint the air 
The colours float about 

Winged toads have been stored under my tongue for a while 
Now I let them fly 
And just like birds they steer towards the sky 
They smash against the glass roof and hail down on me 
As their wings fall off 
I must disguise myself 
Shall I tread beforeyou ion guise of a human 
Or something more complicated ? An angel ? 
Now I lap about in numberless mouth's hypothetical spit 
I am a word and their tasting me without really relishing me 
Exchanging me with greasy words 
Which land on their heads and melt 
Something spirals out of the mouth I ' m in 
It resembles some sort of winding stairs 

With a frightened wingless toad on my arm 
I slide on the railings and we speed up 
And the circles are wide and we hold on to each other in the centrifuge 
Wet clothes swathe us and our heads are spinning 
Our eyes roll round and round in our heads 
The toad cries out " Slow down ! " and I croak 
And suddenly we're trapped between four walls 
We are in an ox caught by a little wind takes us round and round and round ...