You spat at all And was incurious. But time has come And the past echoed. Call of odd winds You heard in the distance And they led You down the road of denial. War never changes And you've always been adamant! Your frantic will Is not controlled by morality. World painted black Brings you suffering But that is what You deserve for your deeds. Projection of angst, Colossal self-deception. The symbol of knowledge of pain Is mental and bodily scars. Here comes a spiritual rain And your ghost soon will be ours! Now you cry bitter tears And repent for your crimes and sins. Entire blame was ignorance, Ignorance of rowdiness! You’ve learned the dread And paid for this completely. But that was not enough And your sins are not forgiven. Now thy fate To wander the world like a demon And be for all The omen of exodus! Projection of angst, Colossal self-deception. The symbol of knowledge of pain Is mental and bodily scars. Here comes a spiritual rain And your ghost soon will be ours!