Angeline, Angeline I hate what you’re doing to me Whenever we’re alone You say you’ve gotta go back home And I’m left without even a kiss Since we first went out together Many months have come to pass And we have yet to do All the things I’ve wanted to And you know I can hardly wait Angeline, Angeline Soon we will be both fifteen Why should we be ashamed? All the grown-ups do the same And it really isn’t even a sin Angeline, Angeline Today will be the day, at last I’m no longer a boy And I don’t play around with toys Today, you’re gonna make me a man We left school early in the morning ‘Cause your mama wouldn’t be at home So imagine my surprise When I stared into the eyes Of a six-feet monster of a man Angeline, Angeline Your brother made a fool of me I’ll stick to my toys I’d rather hang around the boys Than ever see your face again