times are coming to a close and doors are creeping open ever wider as the night moves on and you don't follow suit take my hint I'm less than subtle take my hand and feel it's cold watch my eyes now look behind them hasn't this been getting old we are both hinting at the end when you don't want to be my friend it hurts they say when these times come I understand but still I'm numb but I feel a headache coming on that some might say it guilt but believe me child my guilt does not extend to you this is not a lie if I can make myself believe it I'm not sure of anything I need these words repeated images come in fragments but they do not fit together you're so clever what you never know will stay with you forever I wasn't the one no wait, I was everything has been my fault my thoughts, my words locked in this vault just written on this paper when all of this should be said so don't praise me for my honesty you have no idea what's in my head