Symphony X

A Winters Dream Part 2

Symphony X

Tom: A

(From The album Damnation Game)

Transcribed by Arnaud "Reckless Fable"
Tabbed by David "Johann M."
E-mail : * 

Tablature explanation :
        \ / : slide
          h : hammer
          p : pull-off
          b : bend
         br : bend and release
          ~ : vibrato
         pm : palm muting
        a.h : artificial harmonic

Tune down 1 step : D G C F A D

The ascension (part II)


Main riff:


Intro solo rythm: D5 C5 Eb5 F5 Ab5 Gb5 A5 B5 D5(on begining of the verse)

Intro solo:

                depressbar  -1/bar

            1/2            1

                                    1     1         1      1           1



Verse 1:

(X4) the pattern for each group is downstrock upstrock dwstrock
     as noticed below, listen to the CD for good rythm.

   d u   d         d u   d        d u   d        d u   d







Main riff

Verse 2:
   (X4) last time don't play last chord
             p.m                            p.m
     |-----------------------|     |-----------------------|     

(X7) p.m on all the 0 (E string 6) 




Solos rythm:

            p.m                            p.m
    |-----------------------|     |-----------------------|     

            p.m                            p.m
    |-----------------------|     |-----------------------|     

            p.m                            p.m
    |-----------------------|     |-----------------------|     

            p.m                            p.m
    |-----------------------|     |-----------------------|     

Solo 1:
   1       1   /w. bar             1    1/bar     -/bar   1/bar

                  T              T           T


Solo 2:
                                                                         /w. bar

                                  1/bar                 1      1



Main riff


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