Since the dawn of humanity feeding all beliefs I still search for the dogmas the darkness has me Just trust and believe In the shadows coming from the heaven Since the middle ages darkness brings sorrows Faith fights against it to this day all mankind still lives Bored man gives up so easily Then evil takes your heart and your soul But the man goes on the way Trying to find something to say He gave up and goes in search of faith Along the way of life the man will face sorrow and pain It could be otherwise but everything would be the same Then the man looks at the sky Tired of suffering, he cries out to God But the man goes on the way Trying to find something to say He gave up and goes in search of faith The man look faraway Trying to find another day Because he keep in search of faith Stretch out your hand towards the sky Look at the world and the dying And see the darkness Since sin entered the world The struggle between Good and evil began