This shard of glass reflects only poorly The terror that I have become Its razor edge elicits longing Beckons of release from pain The memories are a plague to me My regret destroys respite Ghostly figures accuse me of my sin And no release can there be Offering confidence Offering certainty Offering complete total sleep No choice remains Driven unto murder Consumed with a burning rage That makes me stronger It gives me purpose A captive bound to serve and die I am the beast that does its bidding I am the monster I abhor I sanctioned death. Yet I'm the instrument Fulfilling the will of others Offering confidence Offering certainty Offering complete total sleep Now in my cell I pray for death Now that my mind is awake Now in my pain a deep remorse For what I've done Bathe now my wounds my love Rest my head on your hate I taste your blood on your lips The crimson of my regret Now in my cell I pray for death Now that my mind is awake Now in my pain a deep remorse This shard of glass finds my flesh No more confidence No more certainty Only exhilarating freedom