
From Survivor to Creator


We're losing leaves
From tree of our life
I believe
We still have much time

To reconsider
If our fear is justified
That flowing river
Would bring the flood

I've been given chance to see
Planet without movement freezed
And I realized who we really are

We are just the
Survivors day by day

We live at the
Expense of others

It's the exchange
Neverending trade for life

There's another way

From survivor to creator
I wish it will be our way

Sacrifice like a piece of our life
It could bring better days

To everyone

I want to build the basics
For new future, call it exit!
From the days when we're deaf to threats

Now it's time to
Change the state of our minds

Create instead
Instead of killing life

There is no price to
Pay for

It costs just time

We don't want utopia
We just want to wake up the dead pieces of soul in each
And every one of us to stop closing our eyes to the problems
Which the world has today
What right have we to talk?
But you are someone that should care
And someone who can change things
We have given you the choking smog of tomorrow
And now the smog of tomorrow is your fear
Your violence, your weakness
We hear the cry of planet
And the lack of faith in the struggle of mankind