


We call in for the storm
Without knowledge
That is wrong
We take more than we need
Because someone told
It's a

Need, but the Earth bleeds
Because of our hungry eyes
Comforting lies

Human can understand it
Humanity will destroy it
We're collecting trash
Like a bird creating nest

We're cutting mother's branch
Asking for revenge
We still don't know the price
Lying in front of eyes

The planet's exhausted
There's no place to live
We are gonna eat ourselves

Dust will bury us
In graves made by
Killing life of nature

Ground's burned down
With acid rain
It's the tears of story, message ending
If we won't wake up

Is this what we wanna leave
Behind? Debt
For the

Next generation
Dead land of our creation
Masterpiece of destruction
Last nails in the coffin
We will fit in

We came from the stars
But finished in the dust
Maybe time to think
Stop being sheep

Take care of our home
Be the change you want
The change in the world
Which has become so cold

Send us hurricanes
And powerful waves
We are deaf to its answers

Dust will bury us
In graves made by
Killing life of nature

Ground's burned down
With acid rain
It's the tears of story, message ending