I turn feasts into mourning And singing into weeping I send famine through the land And men search for a way to survive Oh, starved to death... With their last bit of strength They will lay down on the dust Just to die there For this is what Thanis says about sons and fathers "I will send the sword, famine And the plagues against them Until they are erased from this earth I gave to them and their fathers" Emaciated kids will sit around Reeking and covered with flies People will dry to skin and bones Their bellies bloated by famine Oh, starved to death... With their last bit of strength They will lay down on the dust Just to die there For this is what Thanis says about mothers and daughters "I will send the sword, famine And the plagues against them Until they are erased from this earth I gave to them and their fathers" For this is what he says No one can be saved No plague or disease Will spare this holy land