
Death Apogee


Once more on earth
In the middle of his people
Holy Death
Here comes the regulator

Such is the balance of justice
The stream is fluid again
To teach them and to open their eyes
Here comes the rescuer

When the light fades
Death apogee
Each life is important
When the light dims

Death apogee
Everyone sees
their narrow-mindedness
And each one steps up to his best

Nonexistence of the good side
Without its evil dark side
A state of grace
Before all humans die

Humanity is guilty
And nature takes its rights
Punishment and suffering
Fellow travelers of every man

When the light fades
Death apogee
Each life is important
When the light dims

Death apogee
Everyone sees
their narrow-mindedness
And each one steps up to his best

One hope, one fear
Free to choose their own fate
They'll responsible
For all their acts

Last time on earth
In the middle of his siblings
Holy Death
Here comes the regulator

When the light fades
Death apogee
Each life is important
When the light dims

Death apogee
Everyone sees
their narrow-mindedness
And each one steps up to his best